Prata inte med hat i munnen

59,00 kr.379,00 kr.

This is one of my bestsellers and no wonder why, because we certainly need less hate in the world. In my poster series FLEUR DE LA PLEUR I combine my hand-drawn maximalist flowers with powerful messages in a manner inspired by art posters. Prata inte med hat i munnen means “Don’t talk with hate in your mouth” and what makes it fun in Swedish is that it rhymes with the more common saying “Don’t talk with food in your mouth” – Prata inte med MAT i munnen. In my poster series FLEUR DE LA PLEUR I combine my hand-drawn maximalist flowers with powerful messages in a manner inspired by art exhibition-posters.

This product is available at Kræss Webshop and Stores.

SKU: 228086 Categories: , , Tag:

Additional information

Weight 0,2 kg

A2, A3, A4, A5


Hahnemühle Matte Art Paper


210 g/m2
